Anirudh is full stack developer with 12+ years of experience in variety of design & development platforms, languages and embedded systems. Starting with low level languages like C, C++, and Pascal, his interests in web & mobile platforms became stronger everyday. His roots however are still deeply embedded in compiled languages. Someone who is comfortable across various layers of web stack and eager to learn additional technologies as needed and capable of thriving in fast-paced environment. Committed to learning and sharing something new every day, he owns more than a few code-related t-shirts. Don’t believe us? then read his insights on improvements.
In this article, we discuss the benefits of using WebP as an image format for delivering images on the web. We then delve into the details of how to achieve this on a site that is built on the WordPress CMS and hosted on WPEngine.
Site BuildsLitespeed Cache provides a very innovative approach to improving website performance. We implement it on one of our client sites and discuss our learnings.
Website MaintenanceProcesswire is UI agnostic with no fancy visual builders and has basic UIKit components. Click here to know the approaches required to switch from Processwire to WordPress.
WordPressFind out how to set up a TailwindCSS pipeline for a custom Drupal theme
DrupalWe review some of the latest Gutenberg block builders and contrast them to Divi and Elementor.
WordPressDrupal 8 has been an architectural sea-change from Drupal 7 and had been five years in the making. Comparatively, Drupal 9 is a much more incremental change over Drupal 8. In this article, we explore the question “What difference does it make to a project manager, if the site is built in Drupal 7 vs. Drupal 8?”
DrupalInternationalization in Drupal comes with its own set of challenges and requires vast implementation. Click here to know how to launch multilingual sites in Drupal.
DrupalContentful is a next-generation headless CMS to manage the content of your website. Click here to explore how you can launch a website using Contentful and NuxtJS.
ContentfulComponent-based design thinking is essential to ensure coherence, consistency and productivity when building large websites. We discuss what typical website components look like and how they are organized.
WordPressWe discuss how to implement component-based design in a Headless CMS platform (VuePress)
CMS TrendsOur tutorial makes creating a Drupal Search API with Facets easy
DrupalExemplifi has created a practical, informative, and scalable data visualization solution for clients using advanced tools and libraries. Know more here.
WordPressIn an earlier post, we had introduced component-based front-end design for websites. We discussed how essential it is, to ensure coherence, consistency and productivity when building large websites. In this post, we discuss component-based design approaches in Drupal.
DrupalDizainas “OwlsTech”